Train hopping video

HEROIN -Lou reed

samedi 2 mars 2013

3 mars 2013

Bientôt reparti direction l'Est,l'Asie,l'Inde. Cela faisais un certain temps que j'attendais ce moment ,en tout cas on y est presque car,le 5 mars,je repars cette fois ci en compagnie de Camille ,la fille avec laquelle je partage ma vie depuis notre rencontre courant mai 2012. C est intense et tres intéressant ,nous vibrons ensemble sur cette idée de partage de vie commune et très bientôt ensemble,en voyage en vélo. autrement dis,mon année 2012 a été pas mal fournie elle aussi,parti en début d'année pour la saison de pêche a la morue ,en premiers lieu a Ballstad ,dans les Lofotens avec Greg mon ami de Limoges,nous avons apprécié sortir avec le bateau de Sir Borge Yversen,. Des moment passés a rigoler et philosopher,et manger de la morue a toute les sauces dans notre bulle nordique,mais ce fut après 1 mois que je fut reparti pour Bugoynes dans le finnmark pour revoir mon ami le capitaine Yngve Pedersen pour travailler avec lui a pêcher son quota de morue de la saison 2012. C est avec knut ,alias la baleine bleue,et papi Yngve que nous avons cette fois ci ramené 20 tonnes sur les 36 du quota. c est un jour de mai que Yngve m annonça que la saison était finie et que je redevenais un homme libre,troublé quant même ,je décidais de repartir en vélo, pour quelques 4000km jusqu'a Toulouse.Avec des jours regorgeant de soleil pour cette période ,je fis mon bonhomme de chemin avec une bicylette gracieusement donné par un ami habitant kirkenes. effectué Bugoynes-sodankyla en finlande ,quelques 412 kilomètres a travers la Laponie redecendant la E-75,longeant le magestueux Lac Inari et la forêt finnoise ,eu droit aussi au sauna suite la rencontres de 2 jeunes ouvrier travaillant dans mines,au moment ou je demendais le l'eau.Puis je suis allé dormir dans la fameuse place a barbecue faite de bois,inculant en son centre la grille mobile,avec bois a volonté !bien sur! c est apres 4 jours et avoir aussi essuyé une tempête de neige que je decidat d abandonner du aussi a mes douleurs aux genoux car ma bicycclette ne m était pas vraiment adapté. Après avoir pris un bus qui m ammena a Tornio je pris un bus de Happarenda pour stockholm juste la frontiere finnoise passée. Je voulais depuis longtemps passer a Stockholm ,qui est de toute beauté,agréable,mais je ne fis que passer,trop vite surement pour repartir sur Copenhagen ,où j ais passé 2 nuits ,dont une a christiana,et c est a ce lendemain la que je voulais repartir en auto stop,cela n as pas marche,pas de bol!j ais donc campé en bas d un hotel ,plutot a 400 metres en retrait dans du vert,plat . Ce lendemain je pris un train ,et je rencontrais Camille sur un quai de gare non loin après 2 ou 3 arrêts ,ces yeux petillant me laissais présager que nous allions nous revoir ,d'une manière ou d'une autre. Nous nous sommes donc revu a la Velorution universelle ,a Concarneau les 13,14,15 juillet 2012. c était simplement bon! Depuis,l envie de voyager ensemble nous a emporté,c est magnifique !! nous partons le 5 mars le lien de notre blog sera surement utile: lifegoesbike

dimanche 18 décembre 2011


Cela fait bien longtemps que je n est pas mis mon blog a jour , depasse par la technologie,le progres et le temps qui passe,je me pemet de trouver quelques minutes pour mettre un mot maintenant ,surement l arrivee d une nouvelle annee qui m encourage a ecrire.
Beaucoup d experiences aussi intenses les unes des autres depuis la fin de ma formation a Concarneau pour avoir le Cip,que je n est d ailleur pas eu..tant pis ,cela ne m empechera pas de revenir en Norvege pour trouver du travail en tant que matelot.
la rencontre d Elodie,une femme qui m a touche,que j ais aime et avec qui j ais ammenage et vecu au sein de son appartement a Concarneau ,avec sa petite fille,Lily..tout sa trop vite peu etre,mais la vie est trop courte pour ne pas se laisse de chance de partager se que l on se devais de vivre..
La rencontre de Remi ,habitant de cette ville aussi,m as encourage a ouvrir une occupation,un squatt..pour y monter un atelier velo,nous avons occupe un lieu sur la friche industrielle du port de Concarneau,le 8 rue de thoniers ,tres exactement.
1 an, 1 1 tellement d adrenaline entre temps...
l emancipation n as pas sa place ...ils ont ferme la boite que nous avons loi est la loi..
J ais donc pris la decision cet ete de repartir sur la route et reflechir ,prendre le temps , ...le temps de rentrer a Toulouse pour voir ma famille..parti de concarneau...cap sur Lyon ou j ais rejoint Marie avec qui la decision de faire un voyage en auto stop a ete prise...detour par...Norvege finlande suede..a peu pres 6000kms en auto stop..en 3 semaines!!apres aetre revenu a me suis consacre a la gravis quelques cols...dont le Galibier 2650m ,l iserant le cormet de roseland...1900mts...sorti des alpes ,cap sur Toulouse par montpellier ou j ais change l axe de ma roue arriere que j avais casse quelques 200kms..en amont ,j ais donc du faire de l auto stop avec mon velo ..puis 1 bus et un train pour arriver jusqu a Montpellier la j etait repartit pour Toulouse sans probleme.
Arrive courant Septembre,entame la reparation de Aurore...une revision complete s imposait en vue d un voyage qui m ammenera je l espere autour du monde...
Actif dans le meme temps ces derniers mois dans l atelier velo..Velorution a Toulouse St cyprien ,j ais profite et appris beauoup de chose aussi,la bas,ou ma piaule se trouve adjacente a l atelier ,car les voisins...sont des squatteurs,interrese par le groupe de gents qui se trouvaient la,activistes ,etudiants, j ais pu donc apres le depart d une des personnes ,investir une chambre...
L envie de voyager,travailler ailleurs aussi,m as pris ,et je suis donc repartis ,le mois prochain,le 12 janvier 2012 10h10 je vais decoller pour Oslo,et le lendemain pour Bodo et vue d aller a Ballstad,Lofoten,pour tenter ma chance encore une fois de travailler en tant que marin pecheur dans un decor geant et silencieux..ou la vie est paisible..

Je shouaite sincerement de bonnes fetes de fin d annee et une tres belle annee 2012 a tout e s et beaucoup d amour pour tout e s aussi...

mercredi 18 novembre 2009


Still in Concarneau,where the sun appear again!!!After some rainy moments withing last week...but this is to live by the coast..wheather is for now moderated,no cold,no real bad storm yet..some rain but nothing bad.
Yesteday we learn with our formator how to use a godille,means how to sail with nothing apart of a piece of wood shaped that you moov into the water to make a certain distance ,to get another place or eventually a bigger boat and it is still interesting!!!!
Yesterday i ve for the second time run along the beach for 30 minutes and i was in pain ,my legs are no use to it anymore but what a good feeling you can get out of it,to just dive into the wind ,the waves crashing besides me..the salty air into my nose and the birds passing over,here and there and the sun going away and the darkness coming..thinking about it there was a time where i was allready in the total darkness,up there,in Norway,such amazing place full of mystery and silence...liker det!
Tides are coming up and down and life going on with in everydays,so much to learn and experience ...soon December,and i will have to go to sea to experience fishing here cause i have to for my formation ,about 21 days..but i will do my best be at the family home for xmas and will see later on about the NYE...i will probably go back hitchiking (as usual??)
We (friends from here and I) by the way check the rubbish to see if there was any luck about getting some food...and we did find the great treasure, evey wednesday and sundays rubbish are full of food ..speacialy one..that is THE one for us now,lasty time we found 3,600kl of permegiano..nearly 10liters of colza oil,few beer,bottle of wine..and i just dont want to talk about the others kind of chesses..a good amout of meat also,choclate,chips..well 5/6 or us are enjoying the society overconsuming.....and trust me..none got sick of it yet...and even more happy and free and sad/proud of theses founds!!!!
well!!!today is wednesday..and i got my free afternoon...!!!!it s sunny ..might go again..for a run later!

mercredi 28 octobre 2009


Today i take course whith my mates from the formation of the CIP,courses about how to face a fire...and light it off,today we light some oil(diesel) and light off whith extingushers,last week was how to wear a surviving suit and how to pop a surviving canoe and go in,2 days theory and 1 day practice...but this week is much different it has been allready 2 days of thery and we go for 3 days practice.

Happy that all going fine,seen many boats in between also that goes for the transat jacques vabres from le Havre to the caribeian i think,and at the moment there is the Belem, a old massiv sailing boat (gremant) that is gonna stay here untill march and that i think to visit if they make some visit of it.
wheather still great...well, the temperature is not cold ,not warm but there is indeed some humidity,one day can be sunny the other cloudy all over and all day long..

my fingers are at the moment all black from the dust from the fire,a stage to pass and a good one,just to to use an exthingusher..such interesting subjet!!!but we will do more and go with the fenzy later on means we will have 2 bottles of compresed air on our back and go into the smoky and hot room to discover and light off the fire..
I miss one thing tho,even if i am still on right now..i miss the bike i ve been given,i miss to live as nomad making my way the way it goes as simple as that,reading right now a book that Jibi gave me about cycling Tibet,i am wondering more and more about it..

samedi 26 septembre 2009

Sunny saturday sailing on the bay

Well,it was today,today that i hang out on the harbour of sailing boat like yesterday to try my luck to go around the bay for cuple of hours or a day trip....
And it was today that i got lucky,to me,lucky to meet Joel Garric..about 50 y.o,he was trying to get on top of the sail?(mat in french) with the help of other boats owner,when i just arrive...after that, we started to talk about,experiences,sailing,wind,when i told him i was interested to go out on sea for a bit he told me that i would have making me a tour with pleasure..but his big sailing (thing) just broke is for that he had to go up to cut a rope up there.
So it is about the end of the season for him,but he told me we could go for a ride in the bay not that far but without the big,here we go then..went on galaxy IV,9 meters long sailing boat..bought second hand in La Rochelle cuple of years ago,and it is is fifth sailing boat...we were not only 2 onboard there was Tim the dog,a setter of 5y.o, that was ennoying but ok...but he wanted to play and puch me with his legs,he probalby was on his stupid day....cause he is never like this joel said.
WEll,let s go out the harbour with the motor on pushing us...and then we put the little front sail and stop the motor,a great feeling,then we talk about wind again,gps,look at map,of the bay and around and his experience as navigation teacher,and his army on a military boat and also his last job befor retirement as ingenior on the navy industry.
Joel as much knowledge and he is also apart of the peoples that are in charge to check the boats for the Figaro(french magazine) race to make sure there is everything in the boat and nobody will cheat the race...
After like 2 hours on the boat sailing around there was almost no more wind ,but the sun was still here,gotta say the weather is just wonderfull since i came here,not a drop of rain,and it is a little fresh morning ,evening,then there is a very good temperature .
When we came back of our small small sailing session we "locked"the boat to a inflatable ball and picked up a smaller one,to get to the land,then Joel gave me a ride in his car also more to the center of Concarneau ,then i thank him again and left him my phone number ,cause i might see him again to give him a hand about his boat but the chances are small,and he might give my number to some of his sailing boat owner hopefully.
What a fullfilled Saturday also,cause i went,kind of visit my future appartement,from the windows,where i will spend about 4 months,and where all the travelers will be welcom,cs,hc peoples but also peoples that i will sponeiously realise that are in need of couch.
Living in Concarneau,by the Sea,is a great luck,and i start day by day to enjoy this little paradise.
I will be mooving in this appartement by thursday,till then i will stay in the abandonned place i found,no need to waste monney,i got the shower for 1euro 50 at the youth hostel where peoples are nice and open enought to provide soap an towel.

vendredi 25 septembre 2009

Here i go....again..

Just arrived in town after about 2 days hitchiking France,2 kms from the city center,here was the squatt might be 150meters square no water no electricity allready open cause it is a old place to rent open up by punks i guess,some graffs and cans of beers around and very close,the shop where i bought a old holland style bike made in holland for some 30euros....old but still going very good...just one speed but what a speed.... what a fullfilled thursday also had to go today to doctor today,formation center and some administration places that are in charge of my "case" ,definitly going back into the real world for some peoples...tonns of paper to provide to make it more complicated,and i still need more forms to fill up .,i ve seen a sea doctor ,swam 50 meters to get certificate befor that,got papers here and there about monney and financing,went to the first meeting in Concarneau by train where i have seen firstable 3 peoples that found my file acceptable, got down and up again hitchiking from Toulouse...i enjoyed hospitality from french drivers and truckers and gotta say it hitchiking in france is pretty easy.
well here i am now,i am seeing the open sea everydays and in the days to come i will investigate to get in tuch with some peoples into sailing and hopefully get on sailing boat for some exploration of the Concarneau bay day trip or more some days i wish... by monday 9H00am i will go to the formation center to know what is all about and will know my timetable....
definitly happy..i have to find now an appartement......