Train hopping video

HEROIN -Lou reed

mercredi 31 décembre 2008


As easy as hitchiking a car or hopp a train, first,you must want it and give all the good vibes inside to get it!!! ...Hitchiking boat is pretty common in our world...Probably working to pass the seas or simply getting lucky,enjoying personal connection,observations,untill getting the Capitain and explane myself ...

It is all about trust and confidance...timing...experience (can be helpfull) ,I think....

Once the contact is made with the Capitain..or a responsible person that knows about getting a person onboard from the across the seas,there might be few papers to sort out ,if I am going far...acrossing a Sea or an Ocean I might land in a country that I need a visa too and customs papers...!,the capitain as to add me in the crew list (for such a ride) in theory....

I will indeed focuse my efforts,on cargo and ferry boats, boats..might be sailing boats..... but I know that I have few chances to get on sailing boat....unless the space will be big fit the bike and the equipement too...

Or I might just...hitchike a car....just before it get in the ferry boat!!!!

Many possibilities to work out....I will give it ago...anytime I will need and take my time if I have too...before going on a basic ride.

Living alternatively for most of the society....I enjoy challenges..,just paying to take a plane or a boat ,became too easy...I wanna sort thing out myself and check by myself..possibities and probably enjoy many rides across seas,and cause as well...the Sea call me everytime I am on land...

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