Now in a very enjoyable city called Freiboug,Germany I am very very very happy about my life is going there..definitly special,definitly enjoyable as well..i did found very much intersting peoples and places!
At the moment at Thomas place,Thomas...a tourer as well..a very addicted person..that has done 22 000km on from Canada to Ushuaia,the Panamerica way...He has done also the turn of Iceland...and went lately make a tour in tandem with his girlfriend Line witch is into touring also,in Norway,that he loves..
Right now Thomas is studing hard...studing medicine..but he did surely find the time to explane to me how it goes at his place..and he told me i could stay for a bit,he also intoduced me to his flatmates and friends witch are nice peeps!...i am a lucky man to meet him,i understand him ...and he understand me as needs and what i live at the moment !
I stay here to fix my fix it myself!!yes,freibourg is the heaven for a touring many shops,quality gears and knowledge all over the city..and so much understanding aslo..toward me...
I actually meet Thomas..while i was fixing the cable gear box of my rohloff (cause it gone of just on the way to the workshop where i did go to fix my front wheel actually.....a luck?a bad lucky bad luck?anyways an occation to learn!) in a workshop in a place called the FABRIK für Handwerk,Kultur und Ökologie!..where peoples rent the workshop for 2 euros an hour,pay for the pieces and get advises also...come and ..DO IT YOURSELF..what a great place so crawdy, where i enjoy to go meet peoples fixing their bike also talk about the problems encontered,discuss about cycling !
The fabrik is not only a workshop for cyclist but a whole place for handwork cultur and ecologie...did't really have the time to explore more than the bike workshop but i will find some time later on to see what s going on there..!
The weather is very warm in here,and it is nice,summer love it.. I definitly do!
Well before I arrived in Feibourg,I did paddle hard..from Anette and Paul place,I went back to Esther for a few days and another music festival...and i did again loved it,also hit the road with Francois a cyclist brother we rode from Holland to France much laught and adventures while together,we spend a week of riding laughing echanging about bikes and cycling...pass by Belgium witch is beautifull area and Luxemburg where i spoke very much portuguese actually!
We crashed up in Thionville for the 21 june..where we celebrate there the Fete de la musique...(the music party if u want)..where you can go and play,express yourself in the street all over France till late..what a day and what a night also!
After that i rode myself to Ribeauville ,Alsace where i meet again after years friend of family,where i helped for Alice birthday! ALice witch is now 4Times 20 years old!definitly happy about how it went there,meeting all these peoples back after years was a strange feeling,a feeling that the time is unreachable that you cannot do anything ..just can t stop it...and there surely no way to waste any little of it...
Inside me a feeling a happy feeling ...satisfied..and still on my bike..and surely still loving it,happy to life the life the way i do......
Later on..once my bike will be fixed i will head to switzerland, and be back to France...i should be on time for the birth of my nephew...,anyway will do everything to be on time...
Many pictures...very much...too many...well they are coming later on....without doubt..!
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